Best Ways how long to keep mortgage refinance documents 2022

how long to keep mortgage refinance documents? how to store mortgage documents?

Best Ways how long to keep mortgage refinance documents 2022

How long to keep mortgage refinance documents, Tax season is the ideal moment to review your documents to create “keep” and “shred” files. But with regards to mortgage documentation which ones do you save and for how many years? What can you safely throw away?

IRS Could Ask For Proof

As a general rule it is recommended to keep all the documents that outline the details of your purchase of your home as well as the original loan throughout the term that the loan is in force.

Sometimes, it’s even more.

Because home loans may be tax-deductible The IRS gives guidelines for the type of documents you should keep for how long and for what time. It is possible to provide records that show your income, deductions or credit that you claim for a minimum of three years following the date of filing a tax return.

If you did not submit a tax return for the previous year There is no time limit. In this scenario it is recommended that the IRS advises that you keep all records that are related to these records for a long time.

Also, keep documents of any major house enhancements, such as the addition or remodel of your home as well as records of any costs incurred when buying and selling, including attorney fees and commissions to determine the capital gains.

Capital gain is a profit that comes from the sale of an asset which is greater than the purchase price. The improvements you’ve made to your home along with the costs for selling it are added to your original purchase cost. Any difference that is made between purchase price and the initial price is called the capital gain. Keep track of these expenses can reduce taxes on your taxes on capital gains.

Other documents that are associated with the loan, like refinancing contracts, should be kept for at minimum three years. However, certain real estate experts recommend keeping the documents for as long as 10 years. This is because you may need to consult it when your mortgage statements for the month seem in error or if you notice sudden and unexpected changes in the monthly interest rate such as.

It is essential to keep your the monthly accounts, including ones that detail mortgage loan monthly fees but only for the time you think it is necessary – maybe several months to verify that the loans were made to your account.

How long to keep mortgage refinance documents  Three Keepers Tied To Your Mortgage

The documents must be stored in a secure place, even if you own the house:


It is recommended that the U.S. government recommends that you hold onto all deeds for as long as you are the owner of the property. If you’ve already completed the repayment of your mortgage and the deed for the property is registered in the land records, the deeds can be destroyed.

This is because many cities have copies on the internet. But, your own document is the most efficient method of proving that you are actually an owner of the house.

Before you throw them out be sure to have a copy of the document that reads “release” or “certificate of satisfaction.” You are able to verify this with the title firm who handled your closing.

Mortgage (Or Deed Of Trust) And Promissory Note

Like your deed you’ll need to preserve these papers for the time you have ownership of the property. In the past homeowners held “note burning” parties at which they lit their mortgages in celebration of the day they paid the debt off. While it may have been enjoyable but these documents are vital, and you’re better off keeping them away in a cabinet.

Closing Disclosure

Consumers are advised to keep The Closing Disclosure for at least one year following the closing of their mortgage.

The disclosure will detail the charges you have paid for the loan and other third parties, and how much you have paid discount points. In certain circumstances you may be able to reduce discount points from your tax-free income, but you’ll have to keep the closing disclosure for until you’ve used the deduction.


Three To Keep Even If You Don’t Have A Mortgage

Even if you’re not committing to an agreement for a mortgage, there’s documents you must keep until it’s no more required:

Purchase Contract And Seller Disclosures

If you discover that there were unresolved issues cropping up in your home within the first couple of year of owning it, you might need to consult the disclosure and contract documents to demonstrate that the seller did not mention the issues. Save these documents until you’re certain that you’ve passed the point where unresolved problems are likely to arise.

Home Warranty

If you’re covered by an homeowner’s warranty you should keep the original until it’s expired (they’re typically annual contracts that have to be renewed). Reviewing this document is the quickest and most efficient method of knowing what’s included.

Home Inspection Report

It is recommended to keep your report of your home’s examination report for a period of two to three years as it will likely provide information regarding the age and condition of appliances and systems, in addition to other information. For instance the home inspector could have calculated the condition of the roof, that gives you an indication of when it might have to be replaced.

How To Keep Your Records Safe

Best Ways how long to keep mortgage refinance documents 2022

Cloud-based or online records could be hacked and hard drives may fail.

We suggest that you store important records of your real estate in a secured vault or fire-proof safe. It is important to inform anyone else who is named on your mortgage where the documents are and how they can access the files.

If you’re still overwhelmed by paperwork you need to talk with your tax professional or call the home loan expert on (800) 785-4788 prior for the local shredder.

The mortgage I have refinanced many times. What is the best time to keep the original paperwork?–T.S., Bergenfield, N.J.

When you refinance, you’ll need only the closing summaries that document your expenses and the full-payment letter from the mortgage you had previously. If you are looking to refinance (or sell) your home, a lot of the closing expenses listed in these documents can be used to boost the tax basis you’ll be using to determine whether you owe any capital gain tax. (The greater you base, the less your capital gains tax could be.) Keep all your most recent refinancing documentation. If you decide to sell your house be sure to keep all documents for seven years because that’s the length of time you’ll need to wait for when the Internal Revenue Service has to examine you.

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How Long to Keep Outdated Home Loan Papers?

While technology is moving towards a paperless world however, certain original printed documents need to be saved such as home loan documents. When you’re looking to keep the documents from your home loan, following your “better safe than sorry” method could lead to heaps of paperwork, especially when you have multiple properties or have had to refinance multiple times.

Being aware of what you should keep and what to throw away can help you clear the clutter.


As you’re throwing papers into the fire be sure to save your HUD-1 statements. This is a detailed list of all expenses related to buying your home and contains tax-deductible costs and items that can be added to the cost bases you use in calculating capital gains tax upon the sale of your home.

Keep the Most Important Papers

The actual contract documents that detail the purchase of your home and the original loan must be saved for the entire duration that the loan. Other loan documentation like refinancing agreements and other documents, should be kept for at least 3 years. Some recommend keeping them for as long as 10 years.

This kind of document could be helpful when monthly mortgage statements appear in error or if you notice an unexpectedly sudden change in your monthly interest rates for instance. Other forms of documentation, like the mortgage loan fee that you pay monthly are only kept for as long as you believe required, for instance, some months to make sure the funds were credited to your bank account.

Taxing Matters

Home loans typically come with tax consequences and the IRS offers clear guidelines for how to document them. Individuals must produce documents proving credits, deductions, or income that they claim for at least three years following the filing of the return. If you did not submit a tax return for any particular year There is no statute of limitations.

In this case, the IRS suggests that you save all documents that are related to these records for a long time. Keep the records of any improvements to your home completed because they can be useful to help with tax planning if you decide to ever let the house.

Done Deeds

It is recommended that the U.S. government recommends that you keep all deeds until that you are the owner of your property however, if you’ve repaid you mortgage, and the transfer that relates to your property is registered in land records, those documents can be destroyed.

The reason is that most municipal authorities have copies on the internet. Before you throw away these papers be sure to have a certificate that says “release” or “certificate of satisfaction.” You are able to verify this by contacting the title company that was responsible for the closing.

Better Safe Than Sorry

It’s crucial to decide the best place to store your important documents. For instance, cloud or online records are susceptible to hacking, and hard drives could fail. The storage of paper documents in a fireproof, locked cupboard or safe deposit box can help to ensure that documents are safe.

Make sure to remember the place you’ve put the documents and also inform the other person who is named on your loan the location of these documents.

Mortgage Statements: What Are They And How Long Should You Keep Them?

It’s easy to let bank statements and other loan documentation accumulate. It’s tempting to throw them out, especially if you’re mortgage is nearing its expiration date. But how long do you need to keep your financial statements? And which ones are worthwhile to keep?

We’ll be able to answer these questions, and also offer some suggestions on how to best archive your documents.

Overview: What Are Mortgage Statements And Documents?

An mortgage statement which can be called the billing statement is a form of document provided by your lender and contains details on the condition the loan. The majority of lenders send mortgage statements out every month, however you are able to get the statements online anytime. The details you will discover in your statement are:

  • Your monthly summary of payments:Your monthly payment summary provides you with the amount you have to pay for your loan total every month. It will typically include the balance on your principal balance, your interest rate as well as any insurance or taxes you pay into an Escrow account. The balances due are typically mentioned on this page.
  • It’s a good idea to obtain a second mortgage statement to view the most recent summary of your loan if you pay an additional amount to your mortgage.
  • Information about your loan:Your loan information section will provide you with the most vital information about the mortgage you have. It could include information such as your account number and details about the location of your house and the most current rate of interest. Be aware of your interest rate as well as the current market rates. If rates drop or rise, you may be able to save some money through refinancing.
  • Year-to-date payment:This section tells you the amount you’ve paid off of your principal balance and interest to date. This is particularly pertinent if you’ve got an office in your home or take advantage of a different deduction for your home.
  • Activity of transaction:Your account activity gives you an in-depth look at the ways you can reduce your owings over time. This will help you comprehend the process of amortization and how an additional payment could help you.
  • Information about the client service:Most mortgage statements also contain a section containing customer service information. You can use this section to reach your lender if you notice something is not right with your loan.

Depending on the lender you have your loan statements may contain all of these sections, but only some of them or maybe other ones.

Also, you’ll get an Mortgage Estimate along with an Close Disclosure. These documents provide the specifics of your loan and will keep you accountable to your loan provider from moment you apply until you are able to close.

You’ll also receive the deed as well as your promissory note when you have completed the loan. If you require the original, you’ll need to contact your county office in your area. deed is a legal document that shows that you are entitled on your home.

A promissory note can be described as an agreement that you sign that states you’ll repay the mortgage loan. Both of these are crucial document that all homeowners must keep.

Also, you’ll receive documentation when you perform modifications or repairs to your property after you’ve taken out an mortgage. Receipts, warranties and sales records help keep track of any work that you’ve completed on your property. These documents are crucial when you decide to refinance the loan later on down in the future.

What Are The Most Important Mortgage Documents To Keep?

Let’s review a few essential documents that you should keep.


It is recommended that the U.S. government recommends that you keep your deed the duration of your ownership of the property. But, many municipalities have online land records that include virtual deeds and land records databases. It is still advisable to keep a copy the deed to have a quick method to prove you own the property. The deed is issued by the county.

Deed Of Trust And Promissory Note

The deed of trust as well as the promissory note represent agreements regarding the conditions that you have borrowed. You might want to use these documents again later keep them in your file. They will be provided by your lender.

Purchase Contract And Seller Disclosures

The contract for purchase and disclosures to sellers contain details about the condition of your home. There is a possibility of bringing a lawsuit against the seller in the event that you have a problem in your home following the purchase of the property, and the seller failed to mention the issue in the document or the contract.

Repairs for your home can run several thousand dollars which is why these documents are crucial to keep. These documents are required as part of the process of buying a home and both you and the seller are required to be provided with the original.

Home Inspection Report

The results of your home inspection reveal information about the state of your house. The report may contain information about things like the condition of your roof, or the condition of the heating unit. This report could provide you with important information regarding any maintenance requirements for your home. You’ll receive a copy of the report from the inspector.

Home Warranty

It’s important to know that your house warranty provides information about what areas of your home are covered by security features. Keep a copy warranty handy so that you are able to quickly determine the coverage of your warranties and what’s not. The company that provides home warranties will be able to provide you a copy contract.

Why Should You Keep Your Mortgage Documents?

There are several reasons to keep your mortgage documents. Let’s examine some of them right now.

Documentation For Audits

When you purchase a house, paying off your mortgage could result in tax consequences. It is important to have all the documents you need for the IRS in the event that you file federal tax returns and get an audit. The IRS could require you to submit an official proof of any credits, deductions or income for up to three years following the filing of your tax return.

Remember that there’s no statute of limitation on audits in the event that you do not complete a tax return within any year. If you’ve been late on a tax due date, for whatever reason, you’ll need to save your loan and property papers for a long time.

Calculating Capital Gains Tax

It is possible that you will be liable for capital gains tax if you decide to sell your house. It is the amount you have to pay for the sale of an item more than what you purchased it for. You can also add the cost of any improvements you do on your house to the purchase price.

This will increase your amount that which you “paid” for your home and reduces the gap between the purchase price and the sale price. This reduces the capital gains tax you have to pay.

Document the repairs, additions or renovations you do to your property to assist in calculating the tax on capital gains due. This documentation can help you in the event that you ever have to be investigated.

Scheduling Maintenance

An inspection is a document which provides you with information about the state of your house. It can be used to schedule maintenance or to predict the time when something requires an upgrade. You might need to invest more time on roof maintenance when you purchase a property and you discover it’s roof deteriorating.

Ensure Your Payments Are Accurate

The Monthly mortgage bills include the amount you are owed on your loan, as well as the amount you’ve paid. Review your statement with each other and ensure that all your monthly payments are correct.

This is particularly important in the event that you wish to make an additional installment for your mortgage. Certain lenders might make an extra payment on the the balance of your next month’s account instead of directly to the principal. Keep track of your bills can help you catch the error before interest is accrued.

How Long Should You Keep Your Mortgage Documents?

Best Ways how long to keep mortgage refinance documents 2022

The amount of time you wish to keep the mortgage documents is contingent on the document.

Keep your monthly reports for the least amount of time. Since the information contained on the statements can be outdated in a short time it is not necessary to keep them for a long time.

Keep them in your possession until you are sure that every single payment are recorded – typically for a couple of months. You might want to save each for a longer amount of time if you discover an error on one of your statements. Rocket Mortgage (r) clients are able to view their statements on the internet and also.

Keep the Closing Disclosure, deed and promissory note for as long as you’re able to get an outstanding mortgage. These documents provide crucial information about your property and loan and you might want to reference them later. If you’re looking to dispose of your personal copy of the deed, ensure that you have a document that is labeled “release” or “certificate of satisfaction.” You can confirm this with the insurer of title.

There are certain documents you must keep for a long time. Keep a copy of the purchase contract, your records of any improvements you have made to your house and also the home’s inspection. They are a great source of information regarding the condition of your home and could be valuable when you decide to sell your house or perform maintenance. Maintain your warranty until it runs out.

What’s the most efficient way to save your mortgage documents? In today’s digital world it’s tempting to save everything you have to your cloud-based file-sharing or online service and then forget about it. But these services aren’t secure. A data breach or hack could result in the loss of your data.

If you have online records, you should also keep a paper copy of all crucial documents within a secured cabinet that is fireproof in your home. Inform anyone else who is lending you money which documents you have and how they can gain access to them.(r)


Mortgages are accompanied by a great deal of paperwork. A lot of it can be useful to use for tax, accounting and maintenance keep it. Save a copy of your mortgage statement for a couple of months to ensure that all your mortgage payments are correct and documented. Keep a copies of your deed promissory note, and closing disclosure for as long as you own the mortgage.

Keep your inspection report as well as disclosures to the seller for throughout the time you have your own home. It is possible to revoke any homeowner’s warranty after it expires. Your files can be stored in an online cloud storage system and inside a fireproof cabinet within your home.

How Long Should You Keep Your Mortgage Docs?

Many people are doing their house cleaning these days. They’re clearing out closets, clearing the garage and getting rid of old papers that they no longer require.

It’s a wise choiceespecially if you’ve got plenty of time.

Be cautious when you throw away old papers, especially ones that are related to mortgages. Although you don’t have to keep each piece of documents from today until the end of time There are certain documents that you’ll want to keep to refer to in the future.

Which ones are worth keeping and which ones you should discard? Let’s dig in.

Mortgage documents that you need to keep for a long time:

  • The closing statements. This is crucial when you’ve claimed any deductions related to your home on your tax returns. (Mortgage points, interest, and other expenses are tax-deductible in many instances). The IRS is able to examine you at any point and evidence of the expenses is required.
  • A title deed. This is your proof of ownership. keep it on hand until you’ve sold the house.
  • Survey. This can protect you from boundary disputes should they occur down the road.
  • The disclosures of the seller and the home inspector’s reports. You’ll need to look them up when there are any problems within the house following the purchase. In some instances, sellers may be held accountable for not disclosing an issue that was known to be present.
  • Payment statements. If you pay off your loan at any time you’ll need to keep the payoff statement in the bank. This will safeguard you in the event that there’s any issue regarding the credit score.

Documents you could be able to dispose of:

  • Warranty for home. If the warranty has run out the warranty is no longer required. the paperwork.
  • Monthly mortgage bill. You might want to keep the latest one However, so long as you’re current with the loan then you can throw away (ideally or shred) the remainder.
  • Tax on property declarations. Keep the most recent year or two however, since they’re a public record, you could easily access them through the assessor’s office of your county in the event of a need.
  • Documents for the homes that you have sold or loans made on houses you’ve previously owned. Once you have sold the property and you’ve reported your capital gains from the sale then you’re probably safe to throw them out or, at a minimum you should keep your closing papers.

Consider going digital

If you’re not fond of keeping old documents many years You might also think about scanning them. You can scan them and save them in a secure, storage space on the cloud (like Dropbox, for example) until you’re in need of the documents.

Is it safe for me to dispose of mortgage documents?

Best Ways how long to keep mortgage refinance documents 2022

DEAR BENNY Dear Benny: We’ve been in the home since 1998, and has been refinancing twice from then. I retain the initial mortgage documents together with the papers that were twice refinanced. I’m afraid to throw everything away, however they are very bulky and take up quite a bit of space. 

Do I really have to keep all three of them or could I just throw away the original documents when we purchased the house as well as the refinance documents for the second one and save those refinance mortgage mortgage papers? -Ann

DEAR ANN If you are as that you’re certain that the previous mortgages have been paid full and the proper releases were are recorded in the land records of the area where your home is, you are able to throw away the old documents for loan.

But, one thing you must keep until you sell your last home will be your HUD-1 (settlement statement). It is recommended to keep each HUD-1. The document outlines how much the property cost as well as what your closing costs were, as well as any other expenses — which could add to the basis to calculate your tax purposes.

Keep all documentation of any home improvement. These improvements can increase the tax base. While you might be qualified for the exclusion of up to $500,000 of gains (for married couples who have a joint tax filing) you may have earned over $500,000. Therefore each dollar you could increase your tax basis you’ll get 15 cents off your Federal tax return and any state income tax applicable.

DEAR BENNY: A few many years ago, we bought 20 acres of land for our home for retirement. When we retired we moved in and never regretted it. As we age, we’re getting more and more and have made the decision to move closer to our kids.

A couple of years ago, I was cutting an area of the yard that was quite far from my house, and the mower blades struck what I believed was an outcropping rock. After investigating I discovered a shattered tombstone that was sunken for someone who passed away around the age of 65. 

In our deed, nowhere is there any reference to a grave within the grounds. Additionally, the name isn’t known for anyone living in the vicinity. If someone has visited the tomb, we have did not know about it.

The most straightforward way to handle this is to place the earth in a wheelbarrow over the stone, then smooth it flat. However, that’s not something I would be proud of. What are your thoughts on this? -K.H.

DEAR K.H. I receive a lot of odd questions, however, I believe you beat them all. First I believe that the majority of states have laws concerning burial grounds. For instance, if the developer is looking to establish a community with burial grounds,

the builder will have to jump through a number of hurdles, such as trying to locate families of the deceased buried on the cemetery, and cover the costs to move and remove the burials. I’m not sure if these laws are applicable to only one cemetery or tombstone.

It is recommended that you consult with an attorney from the office of your state’s attorney general and describe the circumstances. They will be able to help you. While it is possible to hide it however, I don’t recommend it. Firstof all, it’s insensitive to the person who died. Also, when you decide to sell your property I think you should be required to reveal the location of the grave.

DEAR BENNY Do you recommend businesses like “we buy ugly houses” in today’s marketplace? Are they secure and safe? Could it be a recurrence? -Sandra

DEAR SANDRA: I suspect that you aren’t convinced that your home appears to be “ugly,” so why do you need to work with a company like that?

Really, if the company is willing to pay for your purchase and if your lawyer helps you through the process, then I don’t have any issues in this agreement. But, you must treat this business as every other purchaser:

You must have an appropriate, legal real estate contract that is binding with a earnest money deposit in good faith (I suggest no less than 10% of the purchase cost) as well as guarantees that your buyer is able to pay towards close (called “escrow” in many Western states.)

Many of these businesses are simply interested in flipping their contracts. This means they already have a buyer for your propertyusually at a greater cost than what you’ll get — and they’ll transfer their contract rights prior to settlement. I would suggest that your sales contract explicitly restrict any such assignment.

DEAR BENNY I am the owner of an reverse mortgage I got three years ago. I am wondering if the mortgages I have taken out are directly affected in the new situation with housing loans. -Mrs. M.

DEAR Mrs. M: As long as you’re living in your home there is no need to worry about the reverse mortgage. The present “mortgage meltdown” will not have any effect on your mortgage.

I’d like to use this question to provide information on the latest reverse mortgage developments included in the recently passed housing law. Effective Oct. 1, 2008:

1. The loan limit for the nation is up to $417,000 but can go up to $625,000. in certain areas of the nation.

2. There are several senior protections that include prohibitions against the requirement that borrowers buy annuities or other financial instruments with the money they earn through the reverse mortgage they have taken out.

3. You can take advantage of the FHA mortgage to buy your house, as well as

4. The origination fee will be set by 2 per cent of the initial $200,000 loaned and 1 percent of the remaining amount and an overall limit of $6,000. This is a significant modification, as many of the complaints regarding reverse mortgages have been due to the cost of initial costs.

For more information about reverse mortgages, visit and then type “reverse mortgages” in the “search” box.

DEAR BENNY I have a real estate issue to which I’ve received contradictory answers. If a spouse and husband have a home they own in joint tenancy and have the rights of survivorship (with both names on official tax roll records) and one of them dies and the survivor is left to be able to alter the ownership of the property to solely his or her name?

If they had the property in a clear and free manner, with no mortgage and consequently no lender involved Is this an easy procedure that the spouse who survived can take by simply visiting the local assessor’s offices with an authentic copy of the death certificate of the deceased or does it require a process that gets complex and requires the help by the services of an attorney?

I’ve been told there is no reason to take this step in any way, but on the other hand I’ve been advised that it’s important to complete this procedure in order to make the distribution of the property under an upcoming will of the spouse who died (or at the very least as easy as it is). If there’s an underlying mortgage and the lender is to whom the property is being transferred, how does this impact the decision?

With an ageing population and more people staying in their homes late throughout their life. I would think that this is an issue that is very prevalent and is worth on the issue. -William

DEAR WILLIAM: You’re 100% correct. This is a question I get frequently from my customers.

My response is the same regardless of whether you own an mortgage or not. Practically speaking, it’s not necessary to register the title in your own name. You and your spouse were joint tenants with the right of survivorship which means that , if your wife passed away and you died, you automatically as a result of the lawbecame the sole owner of the property.

In any case you would like the option, you can get the deed changed to your name. State laws may differ, but typically you’ll be able to make a formal document known as “deed of confirmation” with the deed recorder in the area which is the place where the property is. The deed should state when the deceased died and also that the property is currently in the survivor’s sole name.

There is no recording and transfer taxes, however there is a modest filing fee. The deed recorder may require a certified authentic replica of the death certificate.

It is not necessary to hire the services of an attorney when you obtain assistance from the government office. If not, the legal cost should be minimal.

DEAR BENNY I am a single cooperative homeowner located in New York City who bought the property for $7000 in 2001. It is not a mortgage. It is my main and sole residence. I am able to sell it today at market value for $300,000. Do I have to pay capital gain? -Barry

DEAR BARRY: You’re a lucky man. This is a good gain. As long as you must file a separate income tax return and you will be a resident of the cooperative unit for two out of five years prior to when the unit is sold, you can deduct the maximum amount of $250,000 from the gain.

You bought it for $7,000 and sell it for $300,000. It’s the profit of $293,397. However, before you send your check to the IRS (and perhaps to the city and state in New York), let’s examine whether we can raise the tax basis of your business from $7,000 to reduce your tax liability.

Have you made any modifications in the building? Did you incur any charges that you incurred when you purchased the cooperative which you could not deduct from 2001? Do you need to pay a real estate commissionor any other closing costs at the time you decide to sell? These costs can be added to the basis and reduce the amount of tax you’ll need to pay. I recommend that you discuss your tax situation with a tax expert prior to signing any contract for sale.

How Long Should You Keep Your Records After Selling the House?

As the world becomes increasingly paper-free and paper-free, it’s difficult to imagine conserving all the documents that go to your home, particularly when you sell your home. Imagine that the real estate transaction calls for approximately the equivalent of 180 pages that create a huge pile. Add hand discomfort from signing.

However, how long do you need to keep the records for the loan as well as your property after you have sold it? Three years? Ten years? Forever? Before you begin the “keep” and “toss” piles, read this overview of the documents that are important and the best way to think about the record of your home sale storage.

Do electronic records offer a possibility? Yes, however…

“When I have buyers or sellers, I do keep electronic records, and I send all documents to my clients electronically, but I also encourage people to keep paper copies,” said Randi Beard who is a top-selling property agent who has 10 years’ experience working with the Asheville, North Carolina, region.

“Even though a lot of our storage is cloud-based, I just find it’s really helpful for them because a lot of times, people don’t even remember where they catalog it in their cloud storage,” she explained. “Even Millennials, they still like having that paper copy as well.”

On a more serious note ensure that you have the proof of any mortgage repayments

In addition to the documents you’ll need to file your tax obligations (we’ll discuss those in the near future) You don’t need to keep every document that pertains to a property forever after you’ve sold the property.

You’ll need to save evidence of any mortgages, loans (also known as deeds of trust) as well as documents with your signature that were paid off and registered in the land records of the county in which your property sold.

An “release” or “certificate of satisfaction,” informing you that the mortgage payment was properly recorded, will suffice. (Keeping an official payoff statement or lien release will also safeguard against any errors that may appear on your credit report, or on the lender’s side.)

What other documents for a home sale should you keep?

If you’re selling your home it’s helpful to think as a potential buyer in terms of documents. Beard says she’s famous in the Asheville region for creating her clients binder binder–“I believe I’m among the few agents who do this”–complete by tabbed pages for appraisals as well as the home inspection and so on.

“It’s such an easy reference when it’s all in one place,” she added. “If I decide to sell someone the house, and 3 years down the line, they contact me to let them list the property the house, I’m sure we have the documents. It’s a bit surprising how many contact me to sell the property, and I’ll say”Do do you possess all of the details that you purchased it with when you bought it and they’ll say”No.'”

If you’re planning to make an inventory binder for your home it would be wise to include:

Settlement (closing) statement
For sellers, your most crucial document is the closing statement, which is also known as an agreement statement. (Some agents may also call this the “ALTA,” because the American Land Title Association developed the format that is widely used.)

This type of statement, commonly utilized in conjunction with the closing Disclosure provides a summary of the financials for the sale, identifies charges and credits and reveals the seller’s net earnings which may be required to pay tax purposes.

Recipts from capital improvement projects
Although you won’t require a preliminary title report or homeowner insurance information once you’ve sold it, you should keep receipts for major improvements like remodeling your bathroom or kitchen prior to selling the house.

It’s not a regular maintenance or repair , but improvements that increased the property’s value. Capital improvements reduce the capital gains tax you’ll have to pay when you sell your home that are simpler to calculate if there are the records of all these improvements that you have made to the property.

Renovation permits

Beard is also adamant about keeping copies of documents in case the new homeowner may face legal issues like any permits you have obtained to make renovations prior to selling. If a person does the required amount of renovations that are not permitted, the subsequent buyer could be held responsible retroactively for any non-permitted work discovered at a later inspection.

“That’s a big issue with us right now; I’m sure it probably is nationwide,” she added. “It’s imperative to keep all that information.”

Home warranties
Also, keep any guarantees on building improvements, pest control such as roofing, construction work, and equipment (built-in washer/dryer, refrigerator, water heater HVAC system) and service agreements, throughout the term of the warranty even if you decide to sell your home prior to the expiration date of the warranty.

While many documents are accessible on the internet, Beard also suggests keeping copies of all records that are unique to your home’s previous owner and to be prepared for any immediate concerns or questions that may arise from your new owner.

“I live in a 1949 house–there’s a fireproof safe cemented to the floor in the garage,” she explained. If she wanted to sell her house, she’d not just give information about the repairs to the roof as well as the windows, but also information on the safe too.

What will you require specifically to calculate taxes and capital gains

An accountant who is certified by the public accounting profession will be a professional you’ll need at your side after selling your house to address specific questions regarding your home’s sale. The majority of homeowners do not have to pay federal tax following the sale of a house.

Tax filers who are single can be exempted from profits up to $250,000 while married filers are able to exempt as much as $500,000 as per the Internal Revenue Service. (You have to be eligible for this exemption by showing that you resided in and used your residence for at least two of five years preceding the sale.)

In general, to figure out your tax liabilities you’ll need proof of the purchase price as well as the sale amount (available from the statement of closing). The amount of capital improvements you’ve have made to your house over time will reduce taxes on capital gains you’ll have to pay when you sell your home.

To make these calculations, hang onto the following documents:

  • the closing statement
  • documents that prove that your home was your main residence at least for two of the preceding 5 year (such like utility invoices and voter registrations, or previous tax returns)
  • A 10-99-S tax form that you can get from IRS (especially when you don’t meet the requirements to be exempted from tax on capital gains)
  • A 1098 form displays the mortgage interest you have paid as well as the real estate tax that you paid through an escrow
  • documents and receipts that give proof of capital improvements (including any invoices made to the contractor for the remodeling)
  • Receipts for any expenses related to moving. (This could lower your home’s sale profit when you comply with certain requirements for example, if you’re selling your property due to a new job that is at least 50 miles away from the one you had previously.)

Financial experts advise keeping these documents up to 7 years following the sale of your home in accordance with the IRS’s guidelines for audits. In addition, the IRS is allowed three years to examine your tax return in the event that it believes there are any honest mistakes on your part or when it believes you have under-reported your earnings by more than 25 percent.

(Note that you can get audited at any time in the event that the IRS suspects that you are guilty of fraud.)

Storage best practices for your records from a home sale

Today’s technology allows you can scan all relevant documents and receipts into cloud storage, in addition to having a paper-based binder in case you prefer.

“Just start a Dropbox file and dump everything in there,” Beard advised. If your computer doesn’t come with a scanner take a selfie with your phone of the receipt and upload it to.

Cloud storage like Dropbox, IDrive, pCloud, MediaFire, OneDrive, Google Drive, and iCloud backups immediately and is password-secured which means that a computer malfunction at home won’t alter your files. Cloud storage also allows access to storage from any location around the globe. Be sure that any person who requires access to these files has the correct login.

If you have an organized binder Label it clearly and put it away in a secure location, like a fire-safe container or a bank vault. Photocopy all receipts for registers to ensure they last longer. The majority of register receipts come printed upon thermal papers that is prone to heat and UV light and fades with time. Photocopies won’t. (You can throw away the originals.)

Start keeping track of your records right the moment you buy your first home. You’ll be amazed at how selling it and sifting through paperwork later easy.

Beard says that she’s so meticulousthat her organization strategies are passed on to clients. Even in the event that you don’t plan to sell immediately It’s best to keep your books organized when you move on: “I train my folks from the very beginning,” she explained, adding, “Just trust me. You’ll be grateful to me in the years to come when you decide to offer for sale.”

How Long Should You Keep Mortgage Papers?

Best Ways how long to keep mortgage refinance documents 2022

After years of planning the mortgage payment at the time you make the final payment on your home or refinance to a better loan, you could be tempted to dump all the mortgage documents into a bonfire ritual to commemorate. Although it is tempting to purge your documents after you have finished the transaction with a lender, don’t be in a hurry to dump your mortgage paperwork in the trash.

Basic Mortgage Documentation

The closing papers, and the mortgage agreement and deed must be kept for throughout the time you own the property you live in, as they’re the primary proof of your possession of your home.

These documents must be kept in a secure location, and as you won’t be referring to them often they won’t be required to store them in the normal storage of records. The US. General Services Administration recommends renting the safe deposit box in order to secure these documents.

Property Abstract

While the abstract of title isn’t legally a component of mortgage paperwork It’s a crucial element of your home’s document trail. It’s a crucial document that proves that your title to the property is unambiguous — that you are the owner of it without liens attached to it, hold on to it the duration of your ownership the property. Since it’s not the kind of document you’ll need to reference on a regularly, it’ll remain kept in your home, in a secure deposit box.

Mortgage Statements

While you were working to pay off your mortgage your lender issued periodic mortgage statements which outlined the progress you made in paying off your credit. Although these aren’t officially part of your mortgage papers it is recommended that you file them when they were received.

Since these aren’t mortgage documents and are more like bank documents, you aren’t required to keep them in the event that you decide to sell your house However, you’ll need to keep them all these for the next seven years following the mortgage is paid off.

Records And Taxes

If you decide to sell your home when you sell your home, your Internal Revenue Service requires you to pay capital gains tax for any gains exceeding $250,000 on the main residence.

The mortgage documents establish the basis of your home which is essentially an acronym to describe the price you paid for it to calculate your gainsand they become vital documents for tax purposes if you decide to put down roots and move to a new home. You’ll also need to track the costs of any renovations or legal fees that you pay for when selling your home. These can also be added to the value of your home’s basis.

What Documents Should You Keep After Paying Off Your Mortgage?

When a homeowner pays for his home mortgage, there’s some documents to be stored away to keep safe. In the same way keeping all paper that enters the boundaries of a home could cause a lot of paperwork. Being aware of which documents to save and how long they should be kept for can assist in reducing piles of paperwork, while also protecting the rights of a homeowner with no mortgage.

Typical Mortgage Documents

U.S. mortgages generate a variety of documents for the owner of the mortgage. The two most important documents needed that are required for a traditional mortgage include the deed of trust as well as the promissory notes. These papers are also filed with the county or city clerk’s office.

After the mortgage has been fully paid the homeowner must solicit the mortgage firm to release the trust deed and the promissory note. The homeowner must ensure that the land is released from the trust deed. Contact the clerk’s office to learn what paperwork is required to be filed, for example, an acknowledgment of satisfaction which proves that the land is in fact owned by the owner.

Documents To Keep And Why

While it may be tempting to rip up these documents after the loan is paid homeowners must keep the trust deed and promissory note until lien on the property is removed. The homeowner should also save the satisfaction note that the bank issued that states that the loan was completely paid off.

The homeowner who calls the county clerk’s office to find out that the property is not released could be required to complete additional paperwork and submit proof of deed as well as the note. If the paperwork is not completed correctly, homeowners could encounter issues when it’s time to sell the property and will find it difficult to prove that the title is legal and free and clear.

Discarded Documents And Solutions

If the documents were lost or misplaced, it could be a lengthy process to locate the required documents. If the documents were filed at the office of the country recorder homeowners can get copies. If it was not filed, the homeowner still has to locate the original trust deed or promissory notes.

Since mortgages tend to be transferred from lender to lender and back again, finding the original documents can be a long process. Certain banks are more organized than others when it comes to keeping the old documents.

Mortgage Document Storage

In the booklet “Keeping Family/Household Records,” the United States government recommends putting important documents in a secure deposit box. The paperwork should be kept stored in a safe, secure fireproof box that is inside vaults.

After the owner has verified that the lien on the property has been granted by the local office of the recorder and she is inclined to throw away the paperwork, however it’s better to keep it in place until the property is sold in the event that there’s any filing issues or other issues with the paperwork.

Is it safe for you to dispose of mortgage papers?

Q: We’ve had our house since 1998, and has been refinancing twice from then. I retain the initial mortgage paperwork as well as the two times-refinanced documents. I’m afraid to throw them away however they are very bulky and take up quite a bit of space.

Do I really have to keep them all? Or could I just throw away the original papers from when we purchased the house and the refinance documents for the second one and save current refinance mortgage documents?

A: As long as you’re certain that the previous mortgages have been paid full and the proper releases were registered in the land records in which the property you own is situated, you are able to throw away the old loan documents.

One document you should keep until the time you sell your last home includes an HUD-1 (settlement statement). Keep every HUD-1. This document details how much the property cost and what the closing costs were, as well as any other expenses.

It is also important to keep all documentation of any improvements to your home. The improvements will increase the tax base. In addition, if you are qualified for the exclusion of up to $500,000 of gains (for married taxpayers who submit a joint tax return) you could have made over $500,000.

Therefore for every dollar you are able to increase your tax basis you will get 15 cents off your Federal tax return, plus any state income tax applicable.

Q Do I own a reverse loan that I obtained three years ago. I am concerned about whether the mortgages I have taken out are directly affected in the new state of housing loans.


A: As long as you are living in your home there is no need to be concerned about you reverse mortgage. The current financial meltdown is not affecting either you nor your loan.

I’d like to use this opportunity to discuss the new reverse mortgage development that were included in recently passed housing law. Effective Oct. 1, 2008:


1. The loan limit for the nation is upwards to $417,000, however it can go up to $625,000. in some areas of the country.

2. There are several senior protections including prohibitions on the requirement that annuities be purchased by borrowers or other financial products using the money they earn through your reverse mortgage.

3. You can apply for the FHA mortgage to finance the purchase of your homeand also 4. The initial fees are set to 2 per cent of the initial $200,000 borrowed , and 1 percent of the remaining amount and a total cap of $6,000. This is a significant modification, as many of the complaints regarding reverse mortgages in the past been concerned with the expense of the initial purchase.

For more information about reverse mortgages, visit and type “reverse mortgages” in the search box.

Q: A while ago, we bought 20 acres to build the retirement house we would like to have. After retirement we moved into the house and never regretted it. We are now becoming older and have made the decision to live close to the children. A couple of two years ago, we were cutting an area of our yard that was quite far from our house, and the mower blades struck what I thought was an outcropping stone.

After investigating I discovered a fallen sunken tombstone of the person who passed away about the age of 65. There is nowhere in the deed there any mention of graves within the grounds. Additionally, the name isn’t common to anyone else in the area. If someone has ever visited the burial site, we did not know about it.

The most straightforward way to handle this is to place the earth in a wheelbarrow over the stone, then smooth it flat. However, that’s not something I would be proud of. What would you do?

A: I am asked many questions that are not typical and I think your answer beats all others. It is my understanding that all states have laws governing cemeteries.

If, for instance, the developer is planning to establish a community with burial grounds, the builder will have to pass through a series of hoops, which includes doing all the right things to locate families of the deceased buried on the area, and also to cover the costs to move and remove the burials. I’m not sure if these laws are applicable to only one grave or tombstone.

You need to consult an attorney at the office of your state’s attorney general and explain the circumstances. They will be able to help you. Although it might be more convenient to hide it however, I don’t recommend it. Firstof all, it’s insensitive to the person who died. In addition, if you sell your home, I would suggest that you have to make public the existence of the grave.

Q: I purchased an auction house just a few days ago. The house was auctioned off “as is.” I am a first time homebuyer. When I won the auction the auction, they demanded the $5,000 deposit (cashier’s check) plus an additional $2,500 after the auction had ended. I was required to sign a contract I didn’t know were the contract.

It was done very quickly. They said to you sign here and here, that’s what that’s what I did.The next day, I was at the office to pick up my contract. Then, when I took my friend for a tour of the home, we discovered there were a lot of termites. We haven’t yet visited an attorney yet. Can I cancel my account and receive my deposit returned?

A: What made you sign a document you didn’t understand? It is recommended to consult with an attorney in your area to determine the possibility of receiving your deposit back however I am seriously skeptical that it will happen.

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